„Too Big to Ignore: Developing an Approach to Fight the Obesity Pandemic“

Proposed by Generali Health Solutions


Nearly 3 billion people are living with either overweight or obesity, following an analysis of the World Obesity Federation– and the trend is rising. For Germany, this means that more than half of all adults are affected. They do not only face a higher risk of illness and mortality but often also stigmatization – in short, a reduced quality of a potentially shorter life. Secondary diseases, whether mental or physical, often result in high healthcare costs. If nothing is done, the global costs of overweight and obesity are predicted to reach US$ 3 trillion per year by 2030¹.


Models, advertising, Hollywood – in everyday life we encounter the ideal image of a slim and fit person every day. But it is not just a matter of appearance: A normal body weight also helps to maintain a healthy body and mind. Overweight and obese people, for example, have an up to seven times higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Overweight people have often already come a long way trying to lose weight for various reasons. They often find it difficult to find their way through the plethora of reputable and less reputable methods. If the results are not sustainable and the yo-yo effect occurs, there is a risk of resignation at the expense of compliance. As the causes of obesity are multifactorial, there is no „quick fix“, even if this is often suggested. The progressive development of technological possibilities in diagnostics and intervention now offers the opportunity to make individualized approaches affordable for a large group of patients.

Actual Challenge

How can we enable and assist adults who are bothered by being overweight to reduce their body weight sustainably and skillfully so that they experience a permanently improved quality of life?
