„Information Increases Survival Probability of Cancer Patients“

Proposed by Generali Health Solutions


Every year, hundreds of thousands of Germans are diagnosed with cancer. Both patients and therapists often lack relevant information at the right time to make informed therapy decisions. Compliance with guidelines is not always checked, nor whether the therapy corresponds to the latest findings not yet included in the guidelines. The lack of health literacy and patient sovereignty additionally complicates the decision for a therapy that suits the life and wishes of the affected individuals. In summary, this leads to decisions that do not adhere to guidelines or reduces the decision-making space for alternative therapies (personalized medicine).


Patients receive therapies that deviate from the guidelines, which can impair their quality of life and potentially shorten their lifespan. Although there are certified facilities that ensure compliance with guidelines, and (digital) services that facilitate quality assurance of their treatment path. Also, alternative treatments in personalized medicine, which could achieve higher efficacy and increase survival probability, remain unevaluated. Even though there are AI-driven methods that determine the best therapy for cancer patients.

Patients who are considered „beyond therapy“ must search on their own for any possible solutions for their survival because standard therapy has failed. Even though IT-supported off-label use medications and participation in experimental studies could increase their chances of survival. Today, there are already services available that individually or in combination can increase the survival probability of cancer patients. Furthermore, rising drug prices and therapy costs heighten the economic interest of payers in precise treatments.

Despite this, patients and therapists lack the right information at the right time, and access to the right therapy at the right place.

Actual Challenge

How can we empower cancer patients to understand and evaluate decision-relevant information (e.g., therapy options, therapy goals, risks, benefits) so that they can choose the best option for their condition, their therapy goals, and their wishes?